February 29, 2012
Coming Soon: iiiPad
Are you getting the iPad3?
Heard about the silent movie?
Life Lessons 20: Friendship above all!
Just because it is called a bonus. The burden of Wall Street bonuses should not B ON US!
Wall Street bonuses expected to drop 14% to $19 Billion!!!
February 28, 2012
Leadership Lesson 11: Think outside the bucks!
What do you call a sad movie you see before Easter? A Sigh-Lent Movie!
Why is now a good time to punch Greece in the face? Because it just can't payback!!!
Can Greece repay the bailout?
February 27, 2012
The government is hiring a lot of plumbers, to repair all the Wikileaks!!!
Wikileaks publishes millions of intelligence firm: Stratfor's emails.
...and the Oscar goes too!
Oscar come, Oscar go. Seems like no one's interested!
February 26, 2012
Weight loss secret from France!
Oxymoron: Porsche SUV
Porsche recalls Cayenne SUV.
If I had a Porsche, it would never be a SUV!!!
February 25, 2012
Head over heels!
What do you call an automobile built by Apple? iOScar !!!
Enjoy the Oscars this weekend!
February 24, 2012
An itch in time starts nine...
What a tease!
Keep your cool!
Coming Soon: The Oscar Weekend!
February 23, 2012
France abolishes official use of "mademoiselle!!!"
Friendship begins at home.
Do you cook right or write?
What would happen if GAS were to come down? It would be called SAG!!!
Gas prices to continue rising...
Erase your age!
Oxymoron: Flat 3D
Lose weight alphabetically!
Why is Germany not invited to the E.U. potluck? Because they bring the Wurst to the table!
Germany shows positive signs of an economic growth, but the E.U. is not holding its breath.
The cHeat is on!
February 22, 2012
What's that?
Reflect upon it!
It takes two!
Pins are healthy!
Pinterest is here!
Life Lesson 19: Pause.
Money...Money...Someone Else's Money!!!
General Relativity
Have you changed your nationality?
What is the best place in the world to lose Pounds? The United Kingdom.
How do you "save" the world economy? Ctrl S.......Control Spending!
Greece may be saved.....for now......what next?
February 21, 2012
Beauty Secret!
Vanish: Something that looks like a van....kinda....sorta....
Life Lesson 18: Future Tense
I’m addicted to Pinterest? I’m always on pins and needles!
Pinterest is buzzing!
Gone are the "word of mouth" days, now everything is "word of thumbs!"
Extra small!
Life Lesson 17: Laugh
Between You and Me?
Life Lesson 16: It's all about you!
Carniwhore: Someone who put out too much flesh at the carnival!
Happy Mardi Gras!!!
Life Lesson 15: Choices
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