October 31, 2009

Ever wonder: If "Octa" means 8, why is October the 10th month?

And if "Sept" is 7 why is it the 9th month?
Same goes with "Nova" and "Deca"....
Think about these numbers as you turn back time tonight!!!

Skål !

Happy Halloween!

October 30, 2009

Whaddya say, Cheesecake or Cheesesteak?

So who're you rooting for? Yankees or Phillies!

October 29, 2009

October 28, 2009

Did you hear? San Francisco's Bay Bridge switched from cable to wireless!

The bridge is now closed indefinitely with cables snapping and debris blocking the roadway.

October 27, 2009

Tech-No-Logic Advance: You can not only find, book, select seats and check-in online, pilots apparently also fly while they are busy online.

NW pilots claim they did not go to sleep, but were busy on their laptops.
Phew, I'm so glad that has been cleared up now.
A whole new meaning to the term fly-by-wire.

October 26, 2009

Hurry! Get your vaccine, or be patient.

Hype or reality? Get vaccinated or face the wrath of the swine flu!
Déjà vu. Hurry! Go to war, or fall to peaces.

October 25, 2009

Just when I decide to shed a few pounds, they start to feed my face......book. Twice!

Facebook revamps homepage with news and live feeds!

President Obama says the nation needs a shot in the arm. I say, in more ways than one!

President Obama declares a national H1N1 emergency.
The nation has more ailments on our hands that could be fixed with a shot!

October 23, 2009

While most other airlines are cutting frills, Northwest airlines is introducing down feather pillows on its flat bed seats.....in the cockpit!

...while screening latest episodes of LOST and a new 80's playlist with hits like Destination Unknown, Fly Away and Wake Me Up Before You Go Go...

October 22, 2009

So why did Delta Airlines buy Northwest? Delta pilots can miss a runway, Northwest pilots can miss an entire airport!!!

What next???
Isn't this the second time Northwest pilots are missing an airport?


Hasta la Vista!
Here comes Windows 7!
Brand new gains, Brand new pains!!!
Are you ready for the 7 here itch!

October 21, 2009

Will it cost less if I select a flight that lands on the taxiway instead of the runway?

Delta flight from Rio lands on a taxiway at Delta's biggest hub in Atlanta!!!

Just joining the high-tech rat race, a magic mouse!

Apple releases a revolutionary new mouse.

October 20, 2009

Gaddafi in your backyard; Blagojevich in your boardroom! Who manages your PR Mr. Trump? Richard Heene???

The verdict comes in today if Rod Blagojevich can star in the Trump show "Celebrity Apprentice". So what happens if he gets "hired"? Does he not go to prison??? An absolute PR mess, I think!

October 19, 2009

How did the militants get across the border? Tehran!

Iran is accusing Pakistan and other states for the bombings this weekend. It's the pot calling the kettle black!

October 18, 2009

In the case of the balloon, no one seemed to be thinking 'in the box' and eventually a Falcon led us on a wild goose chase.

With the world thinking out of the box, a falcon did lead us on a wild goose chase.

October 16, 2009

The balloon incident was just hot air!!!

All eyes glued to the tube following a balloon that had no child in it, just hot air!!!

October 15, 2009

October 14, 2009


The DOW crosses 10K. How long will the rally last?

St. Louis Rams won't go out on a Limbaugh!

Rush Limbaugh dropped from bid to buy the Rams. Deemed too risky due to his "baggage".

The iPhone can now: unlock your car; start the car; find the closest bar; order and keep a count of drinks; tip the bartender; analyze your breath; lock your car and call a cab.

An apple a day does keep the doctor away!

October 12, 2009

Elinor Ostrom shatters the Economics 'NoBelle' record!!!

The first woman to win the Economics nobel ever!!

Apparently Cirque du Soleil had another sold out performance, even when they could not have run out of SPACE!!!

Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte returned to earth after a $35M vacation on the International Space Station!

October 11, 2009

Is the prize money considered as an executive bonus?

Grounds for executive bonuses have been in question quite often in the recent past!

October 9, 2009

Ain't that looney? More than 90% of the water entering our homes goes down the drain and now we spend $79 million to look for water on the moon!!!

Do we really value what we believe we have in abundance?
Today LCROSS began analysis of the lunar debris caused by a controlled crash to look for water on the moon.


This week, "Whatever" has been nominated the most annoying word in English. Also seems to be the expression on many minds today as President Obama is announced as the Nobel Peace Prize winner for 2009.

Lesser known fact: Former Vice President Dick Cheney was nominated for the Nobel Piece Prize for "extraordinary efforts to weaken international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."

His motto: Piece be with you!

"Improving US global relations" is not just lip service. Today the US may give China: The hummer!

The Hummer deal should close today.
Viva la 'global relations'.

October 8, 2009

October 7, 2009

A late show of appallogy!

An apology on the Late Show, for an appalling act, sweetened by a dose of humor!

October 6, 2009

What do you get when you cross a Bear with a Bull? The Bell.

So what does the bell have in store for us today? Looks like after a lot of bearish days we finally get a bull.

October 4, 2009

Seems like CBS is going to rename the show to - "Laid Show" with David, let her, man!!!

Not only do you C BS on that network, apparently there's also a lot of BS happening behind the scenes!!

October 3, 2009

Paleontologists study life before history. Palintologists study a life without history, geography or common sense!

So paleontologists have discovered "Ardi", a 4.4 Mil. year old human. Way before history. Just a hop away from Russia, Palintologists are having a field day as well.

October 2, 2009

Garment industry stocks plummet with news of the 2016 Olympics in Rio. Nike announces the "Just Do It" line of beads and accessories.

Blame it on Rio!
Let the fun begin.

Want the best seats to the 2016 Chicago Olympics? Rod Blagojevich is now accepting bids!

Opening ceremony, closing ceremony and everything in between. The man has them all. And this, even before officials have picked Chicago as the home for the 2016 Olympics.