September 30, 2009

It is official: Toyota and Lexus cars give the highest MPG, ON THE PLANET!!! They just keep going and going and going. Even when you want them to stop!!!.

Toyota's biggest recall ever. More than 4 million cars on a driver's side mat that jams the accelerator.
Runaway cars, anyone?

September 27, 2009

September 26, 2009

Just heard that PepsiCo is going to setup a bottling plant on the moon. The lunar drink will be called Craterade!

Water on the moon!!! YaaY!!
The logical next step would be bottled drinks, right?

September 25, 2009

Gmail: If it were not for the 'cloud', would it be as unpredictable as the weather?

Cloud or no Cloud, what's with GMail lately? Outages seem to be the rule rather than the exception!

September 24, 2009

September 23, 2009

Our outdoor party has been canceled. The tent was mistakenly delivered a few blocks away in Bedford!

Really guys! Muammar al-Gaddafi in Bedford!! What next? OBL in Greenwich!

National debt, $11 trillion. Financial bailout, $8 trillion. Health care reform, $1 trillion. What you and I hope for. Price LESS.

Prices of things that matter just keep rising. When is the individual citizen getting a bailout?

September 20, 2009

Sony Pictures now has exclusive movie rights with South African runner Caster Semenya. Based on her gender crisis the movie will be titled "Claudie with a chance of meatballs."

The south african official finally admits lying over Caster Semenya's gender tests....phew! Coincedentaly the movie Cloudy with a chance of meatballs released this weekend. Just couldn't resist the comparison...!!!

September 19, 2009

Scraping missile interceptors in eastern Europe, President Obama moves from dropping polls to gaining Poles!...Good one chief!

Now we can confidently say that President Obama is gaining Poles!!!
A president not doing so well at the polls scraps the missile defence program in Poland and kiddin'...Poles! along with some very happy Russians.

September 18, 2009

Made In China: The Raptorex, packed the punch of a T-Rex, but "at a fraction of the ..." Sounds familiar? They have been at it for a 125 million years!

Looks like China excelled at the "made at a fraction of the ...." business millions of years back. Scientists have discovered the remains of a dinosaur that had most of the physical features and functions of a T-Rex, however much much smaller!!

September 16, 2009

Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol", a.k.a. the U.S. $.

If Robert Langdon were in the "real world" would he be chasing the elusive U.S. $?
Far more exciting, don't you think so?

September 15, 2009

George W's favorite game as a toddler: Duck, Duck, Shoose!

Muntadar al-Zaidi the journalist who threw shoes at then President George W. Bush in Iraq is released after 9 months in prison. Apparently Iraq threw the book at him!

Ghosts don't die. They just lighten their spirits!

Ghost star Patrick Swayze succumbs to cancer.

September 13, 2009

Cad burys Kraft offer!

No more chocolate cheescake on the horizon. Cadbury rejects Kraft's takeover bid.

September 12, 2009

Real estate is virtually back! Go, monopolize.

Hasboro and Google have partnered to make the ever popular game Monopoly available online. Any street in the world through Google Maps! Try it out at

September 11, 2009

Facebook loses wait. Welcome Facebook Lite.

Facebook releases a "lite" Twitter like version for individuals with lower bandwidth and slower systems!!

September 10, 2009

Ellen TheGenerous Judge!

Ellen DeGeneres will be the fourth judge on American Idol's next season replacing Paula Abdul.

September 9, 2009

September 8, 2009

A good message does not need to mess with age.

President Obama plans to speak to the nations school children raising concerns that the message will be politically motivated

September 7, 2009

Labor Pains!

Given the current unemployment rate and the job market. Labor day does highlight a painfull reality.

September 6, 2009

Here comes the sun; Here comes the fun!

The new game The Beatles: Rock Band hits the market.

September 5, 2009

On medical tourists' menus: St-ache and Kidney Ply.

Kidneys being harvested from third world countries for reciepients in the United States and other developed nations.

September 4, 2009


Research shows the Arctic is now the warmest in 2000 years. A global warning!

September 3, 2009

Haul-Ye-Wood away from the flames!

The wildfires near Los Angeles, California are raging and firefighters are sweating around the clock to contain the damage.

September 2, 2009

Should GM be cautious to adopt Google Mail? After all it would mean GM-ailing!!!

So GMail was down yesterday! Do large organizations who are evaluating the benefits of moving to the "cloud" have something to worry about?

September 1, 2009

It ten is, do us know where our children are?

Making headlines are tennis at the US open and the disturbing story of Jaycee Dugard, kidnapped as a child and held for more than eleven years.