July 30, 2010

July 27, 2010

BP to get a new CEO. Or as they call it Cheat Environment Officer...

Rumor has it that BP will have a new CEO, we hope he's better aligned to the environment.

July 26, 2010

President Hugo Chavez said he would cut all the oil from Venezuela to the US. Hmmm...shouldn't BP have hired him as their chief stop-the-oil-flow consultant!

Chavez can stop an an entire country's oil flow by the flip of a switch. Now wouldn't that be something BP would have liked more than anything else in this world?

July 25, 2010

Oxymoron: Handheld iPhone. Apparently once it's held, it's no longer a phone!

iPhone reception woes continue, especially if you hold it!

July 23, 2010

Why did Lindsay Lohan sign up with AT&T? More bars in more places, hey why not?

Lindsay Lohan and her DUI related prison term all over the news these days!!!

July 22, 2010

Scientists at England's University of Sheffield have discovered a monster star...They promptly named it Mel.

Exceptionally large start discovered by astronomers in the UK while another famous star behaves like a monster...

July 19, 2010

July 17, 2010

What do iPhones and men have in common? Reception Problems...

Apple has Antennagate conference to discuss reception problems with the iPhone4

July 12, 2010

The US has agreed to pay BP $20 billion to move all their equipment to Los Angeles and try and cap the toxins spewing out of Mel Gibson's mouth.

Mel Gibson apparently caught on tape ranting racial slurs against his ex-girlfriend.

His new career: Paulitics !

Who needs gurus, exit polls and surveys. Paul the octopus has it cut out for him...

July 10, 2010

LeBron's new friend My Ami !

James LeBron choses Miami.....

Iran ¦ narI

Iran in controversy again about treatment of women....
Nari = Woman in some indian languages.

July 8, 2010

What do Germany and an octopus have in common? Both suck at the cup!

Germany loses at the FIFA world cup as predicted by Paul the octopus?

July 3, 2010

Argentina was vierless !!!

Germany defeats Argentina 4:0......Vier:Null

Why doesn't BP care about turtles? Because they won't separate from Shell !!!

Turtles amongst the fauna drastically affected by the BP oil spill.

July 2, 2010

When Apple said the iPhone "raised the bar" for smart phones they forgot to mention it was a software glitch!!!

Apple claims it has erroneously calculated the formula which displays signal bars on the iPhone, and therefore the iPhone has been showing too many bars in areas with weak signal strength.

Brazilch !!!

Holland downs Brazil. FIFA 2010.

Motto of the Finnish Digital Revolution: Liberty, Equality, Connectivity.

Finland proposes to make broadband a legal right.

July 1, 2010

What happens when BP messes with Mother Nature? We have to face God and the wrath of his Hari Cane !!!

Hurricane Alex adds to the complexity of the BP oil spill dissaster.

In India Hari is a name associated with God.