December 31, 2009

2009 Lessons – Climate Change: The earth is grumbling, so are its oceans and crop, As you ring in the new year, please don’t let this ball drop.

Earth Rocks!!!

2009 Lessons – RIP: Whether it was Farrah, Patrick, Natasha or Michael, way too many celebrities the world did recycle.

Stars are now among the stars!!!

2009 Lessons – Plane & Simple: Next time you plan out your yearly summer trip, forget the beach, at the airport you’ll strip.

Better safe than sorry!

2009 Lessons – Sports: The 2016 Olympics were awarded to Rio, Chicago couldn’t wing it even after an appeal from B. O.

It's not about winning, just participating in the games....yeah right!!!

2009 Lessons – Dig-it-all: Paper turns vapor for magazine, news and book, the world is flipping through the Kindle and Nook.

Lesser paper! Is that all in all better for the environment?

2009 Lessons – Airwaves: Two pilots leave an airport and water-land a plane, Two pilots miss an airport and have a lot to explain.

The Hudson heroes. The Northwest zeroes!!

2009 Lessons – Ahmadinejad: Iran gets nuclear, the world skips a beat, president Ahmadinejad gets re-elected, well, did he cheat?

Your votes will be counted if you vote for me !

2009 Lessons – Fashion: CASHmere is out, the economy flips, give up your grey suits, and put on pink slips!

One of the worst years for employment. Hope 2010 brings about a much anticipated change.

2009 Lessons – High Seas: Freighters rust in docks with nothing to ship, except around Somalia where pirates are hip.

Pirates, pirates everywhere but nothing to ship

2009 Lessons - Tiger Woods: Early to bed and early to rise, keeping golf clubs at home was not very wise.

When playing with danger, ensure you can't be beaten!

2009 Lessons – Net Worth: Having taken a bashing on their social net worth, people start building their social network.

MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn...........Stars of the year!

2009 Lessons – H1N1: This too came across the border, giving politicians a chill, It ended up making a lot of legals ill!

Human Immigration and Virus Migration, big items on political minds this year.

2009 Lessons – Bernie Madoff: You will end up filling someone else’s urns, if you’re constantly chasing 400% returns!

Shouldn't such high returns have raised red flags for the investors!!

2009 Lessons - Sarah Palin: The general message is something you mistook, we were hoping you’d go read, not write a book!

She never fails to surprise us!

2009 Lessons – Joe Biden: Think before you talk, you seem to be failin’, your reputation has gotten worse than Palin!

The VP seems to have made more blunders this year than the would-have-been VP!

2009 Lessons – Bank Executives: It would be necessary, for you to loan us, all of which you raked in as bonus.

The bonuses are in, the earnings are up, so why aren't banks lending?

2009 Lessons - Kayne West: Do you think Beyonce would like, that in her presence a man would jump up and grab Mike?!!!

I'm sure Kayne West has learnt more than just a lesson after grabbing the microphone from Taylor Swift at the VMA.

December 30, 2009

Google Nexsucks?!!

Pricing details leaked on upcoming google phone.

December 29, 2009

American Airlines refused to serve alcohol to Jack Nicholson. When asked, a spokesperson said they wanted to avoid a high Jack situation.

Latest buzz on flight restrictions get deeper day by day.

and another friend was not allowed to board her plane when she refused to check in one of the two carry on bags she had.....under her eyes!

What is air travel coming to? Soon we'll need to ship out our things before we get somewhere....but wait, isn't that service available today already?

A good friend got arrested at Toronto airport. The security guard heard her say that she was looking for a plane to Bomb eh! You should've been Mum, bai, you should've been very mum!!!

Given the latest security concerns and issues, everything you say or do will be held against you. Needless to say she did have a blast!!!

December 28, 2009

Given the latest airline security related inconveniences to passengers, Amtrak is introducing a brand new concept: High Speed? Why-Fly?

No water, no bags; No blankets, no mags; No eating, no standing; No breathing during landing!!!
Seriously ... why fly ?

December 27, 2009

Passengers flying to the US in addition to dumping their drinking water and baby formula will now also have to dump their explosives...can you imagine that?!!!

So after so much of scrutiny it is impossible to bring a bottle of water aboard, but surely possible to get some I missing something?


With the polar icecaps gone how is the legend of Santa going to survive?

December 26, 2009

December 23, 2009

Did you hear, HP webcams have a Mega Pick Cells problem?

HP Webcams apparently have a problem seeing dark skin!
Some call these cameras "racist"

December 22, 2009

Mother nature needs to go on a low-carb-on diet. Danish?......yeah right!

Copenhagen climate change talks fall through...what next?

December 21, 2009

Would it be politically incorrect to wish an elf Happy New Ear?

We wish you a Happy Holiday and a Happy New Ear!!!

December 20, 2009

So what technology do I need to have my Avatar go to work tomorrow?

Cool Technology - Avatar releases on a snow filled weekend. Can we just stay at home?

December 19, 2009

Oh the weather outside is frightful, But shopping is so undelightful, & since we've some place to go, Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

The northeast snow storm is coming...Ready...Get Set...Snow!
Just in time for last minute Holiday Shopping!

December 18, 2009

Tiger Woods voted PGA Tour player of the year. Let alone PGA Tour, I believe he has proved himself to be THE "Player" Of The Year!!!

Just couldn't let this one pass by me !!


Will we reach a consensus on our global climate change approach and the effort to reduce of CO2?

December 17, 2009

Corporate sponsors can pull out, China on the other hand will have to go ahead celebrate 2010 as the year of the Tiger!

No wonder the Chinese are pissed with the Americans. Last time they were all geared up to celebrate the Year of the Ox (Bull) and we gave them one of the worst recessions.

December 15, 2009


Why would you need another invented language? Esperanto....or otherwise

The church came after Ber"lust"coni...literally!

And really hit him hard!

December 14, 2009

After all the media speculation, TW decides to separate................from AOL. For a moment, I haddya, didn't I?

Tiger Woods seems to have hogged the media pushing everything including the Time Warner deal on the back burner.

December 12, 2009

December 9, 2009

Gatorade just realized you can't drink and drive!

Gatorade drops the Tiger Woods drink Tiger Focus!

December 8, 2009

The coolest feature of the $200K per head flight from Virgin Galactic: No Middle Seat!

Virgin Galactic unveils th first commercial passenger spacecraft!

December 7, 2009

Isn't change the only thing predictable about climate?....or was that weather?

Today the world starts debating...once again...if Climate Change is part of cyclic changes or do we have a lot to worry about.

December 6, 2009

Question to my rental car company: When I return my hybrid car, does the battery need to be fully charged?

With the Climate Change summit coming up tomorrow. Being green is on everyone's mind.
This really happened yesterday. When I returned my hybrid, the attendant asked me if the tank was full, and then I asked him. Swear to God, he was a trainee and had to check with his manager!!!

December 5, 2009

Slim Very Fast: Latest diet craze, lose weight, very fast through vomiting and diarrhea.Tagline: Yes you can!

Biological warfare at its best.
Millions of contaminated cans of diet drink Slim Fast!.....very fast indeed.

December 4, 2009

December 3, 2009

BofA has announced it will repay all of its federal aid. Watch your wallets guys!! It's after all the "Bank of Opportunity."

And they are returning the cash so that they can hire the right executives with the right bonuses!!!

December 1, 2009

If the IAEA and U.N. inspectors can't get access to Iran's nuclear facilities, why don't they seek assistance from Tareq and Michaele Salahi?

Well they got into one of the most secure sites in the world, didn't they?

Woods' caddie lacks credibility!

The caddilac raises a lot of questions.
What about privacy?

November 30, 2009

Newest word in the Swiss (French) dictionary: Minarrête!!!

The Swiss people vote to ban the construction of Minarets

Cyber Monday. Are you a shopportunist?

Will you loosen your purse strings? Cyber Monday is here. Bring on the gadgets.

November 29, 2009

November 28, 2009

The FAA just released recordings of the "lost" flight. Dear Northwest pilots could you please F lying and concentrate on Flying?

We were distracted, we were on our laptops, we were discussing company policy.....we were sleeping......In any case we were not flying the plane!

November 27, 2009

An estimated 45.8 M viewers watched the Macy's Parade on NBC yesterday. He Heene kids however immediately hid in the attic and Mrs. Heene called 911 30 minutes after calling NBC.

Bal looooons !

Dubai or not Dubai: that is the question.

The debts of Dubai World the finance arm of Dubai are going to hit wall street today. The question is should we take this opportunity to buy stocks that plummet?

Had an awesome Thanksgiving dinner at home with family and friends, just couldn't recognize this one couple.....why haven't I seen them before?

Gate crashers at a State dinner at the whitehouse!!!
Didn't they just fall short of chairs???

November 26, 2009

Butterball. Football.

Thanksgiving Traditions

We stuff turkey. Turkey stuffs us.

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 24, 2009

President Obama wants American kids and parents to focus on the 3 Rs: Reading; Riting and 'Rithmetic......guess spelling is not at the top of anyone's mind!

Obama is looking at improving the interest and calibre of american children - of all ages - in math and science.

November 22, 2009

Harry up! Reid the bill. From coverage to coverage. All 2074 pages of it.

Majority leader Harry Reid's health care bill clears the senate! So what's in it? What are we signing up for?

November 21, 2009

The large hadron collider is now repaired, are you conCERNd about a Big Bang?

The particle collider is repaired as scientists restart their efforts to unravel the mysteries of the Big Bang at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. I spent months at CERN, an awesome experience!

Today we find blood on the moon!!! This discovery is going to come back to bite us!

Many moons later comes a sequel. Teens around the world discover blood on the moon. Wait isn't New Moon supposed to be no moon at all?

November 20, 2009

Google's vice president of product management painted a pretty picture of the new Chrome OS. His name "Sundar Pic Hai"....hmmm.

Literally translated it means it's a beautiful picture.
Google Chrome OS seems to do away with most computer standards like a hard drive!!!

Did you hear? Oprah Winfrey has decided to walk the!

She has decided to call it quits in 2011. The show at least.

November 19, 2009

Which of the seven dwarfs won the most Olympic gold medals? It's got to be Dopey!

More doping incidents surface in the China Olympics. Gold medals pulled back.

November 18, 2009

Pardon my French.....Un friend in need is Un friend in deed....Maybe, I'm just intexticated.

Unfriend.....word of the year 2009 by the Oxford American Dictionary.

November 16, 2009

Have you heard about Carrie and her pre-jean days?

Carrie Prejean hits the headlines again this X Miss Universe contestant now seems to be a XXX Miss Universe!

November 15, 2009

November 10, 2009

United Airlines: Flying High!

Drunk pilots, a whole new meaning to flying high!

La-la La-la, La-la La-la, La La Land!

Elmo loves his gold, fish, his rayon too, that's Elmo's world.
40yrs Sesame street and the world seems to be in La La Land!

November 8, 2009

Do you believe, "Govern", meant takeover of our health care system?

The bill passed the House yesterday.
Does "to govern" mean a complete take over?

November 5, 2009

Homebuyers break!!!............the bank.

$8000 Tax break for first time buyers
$6500 break for others
Are homebuyers getting a break or breaking up?

November 4, 2009

What is the favorite iPhone color in China? in the one you could buy in the gray market!

Since its debut last week in China, apple does not seem to have made any remarkable sales there! So what's holding back the Chinese?

November 2, 2009

"This is CIT." The grand finale!

While Michael Jackson's album/movie "This is it" brings forth Michael's final act. CIT the small business lender files for the 5th largest bankruptcy in the US.

November 1, 2009

Save electricity; Replace one mechanical clock by at least 10 electrical clocks; move clocks backward and forwards every year. Hhmmm!

Does daylight saving time really work? In this age of improved productivity and ridiculous energy wastage.

October 31, 2009

Ever wonder: If "Octa" means 8, why is October the 10th month?

And if "Sept" is 7 why is it the 9th month?
Same goes with "Nova" and "Deca"....
Think about these numbers as you turn back time tonight!!!

Skål !

Happy Halloween!

October 30, 2009

Whaddya say, Cheesecake or Cheesesteak?

So who're you rooting for? Yankees or Phillies!

October 29, 2009

October 28, 2009

Did you hear? San Francisco's Bay Bridge switched from cable to wireless!

The bridge is now closed indefinitely with cables snapping and debris blocking the roadway.

October 27, 2009

Tech-No-Logic Advance: You can not only find, book, select seats and check-in online, pilots apparently also fly while they are busy online.

NW pilots claim they did not go to sleep, but were busy on their laptops.
Phew, I'm so glad that has been cleared up now.
A whole new meaning to the term fly-by-wire.

October 26, 2009

Hurry! Get your vaccine, or be patient.

Hype or reality? Get vaccinated or face the wrath of the swine flu!
Déjà vu. Hurry! Go to war, or fall to peaces.

October 25, 2009

Just when I decide to shed a few pounds, they start to feed my Twice!

Facebook revamps homepage with news and live feeds!

President Obama says the nation needs a shot in the arm. I say, in more ways than one!

President Obama declares a national H1N1 emergency.
The nation has more ailments on our hands that could be fixed with a shot!

October 23, 2009

While most other airlines are cutting frills, Northwest airlines is introducing down feather pillows on its flat bed the cockpit!

...while screening latest episodes of LOST and a new 80's playlist with hits like Destination Unknown, Fly Away and Wake Me Up Before You Go Go...

October 22, 2009

So why did Delta Airlines buy Northwest? Delta pilots can miss a runway, Northwest pilots can miss an entire airport!!!

What next???
Isn't this the second time Northwest pilots are missing an airport?


Hasta la Vista!
Here comes Windows 7!
Brand new gains, Brand new pains!!!
Are you ready for the 7 here itch!

October 21, 2009

Will it cost less if I select a flight that lands on the taxiway instead of the runway?

Delta flight from Rio lands on a taxiway at Delta's biggest hub in Atlanta!!!

Just joining the high-tech rat race, a magic mouse!

Apple releases a revolutionary new mouse.

October 20, 2009

Gaddafi in your backyard; Blagojevich in your boardroom! Who manages your PR Mr. Trump? Richard Heene???

The verdict comes in today if Rod Blagojevich can star in the Trump show "Celebrity Apprentice". So what happens if he gets "hired"? Does he not go to prison??? An absolute PR mess, I think!

October 19, 2009

How did the militants get across the border? Tehran!

Iran is accusing Pakistan and other states for the bombings this weekend. It's the pot calling the kettle black!

October 18, 2009

In the case of the balloon, no one seemed to be thinking 'in the box' and eventually a Falcon led us on a wild goose chase.

With the world thinking out of the box, a falcon did lead us on a wild goose chase.

October 16, 2009

The balloon incident was just hot air!!!

All eyes glued to the tube following a balloon that had no child in it, just hot air!!!

October 15, 2009

October 14, 2009


The DOW crosses 10K. How long will the rally last?

St. Louis Rams won't go out on a Limbaugh!

Rush Limbaugh dropped from bid to buy the Rams. Deemed too risky due to his "baggage".

The iPhone can now: unlock your car; start the car; find the closest bar; order and keep a count of drinks; tip the bartender; analyze your breath; lock your car and call a cab.

An apple a day does keep the doctor away!

October 12, 2009

Elinor Ostrom shatters the Economics 'NoBelle' record!!!

The first woman to win the Economics nobel ever!!

Apparently Cirque du Soleil had another sold out performance, even when they could not have run out of SPACE!!!

Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte returned to earth after a $35M vacation on the International Space Station!

October 11, 2009

Is the prize money considered as an executive bonus?

Grounds for executive bonuses have been in question quite often in the recent past!

October 9, 2009

Ain't that looney? More than 90% of the water entering our homes goes down the drain and now we spend $79 million to look for water on the moon!!!

Do we really value what we believe we have in abundance?
Today LCROSS began analysis of the lunar debris caused by a controlled crash to look for water on the moon.


This week, "Whatever" has been nominated the most annoying word in English. Also seems to be the expression on many minds today as President Obama is announced as the Nobel Peace Prize winner for 2009.

Lesser known fact: Former Vice President Dick Cheney was nominated for the Nobel Piece Prize for "extraordinary efforts to weaken international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."

His motto: Piece be with you!

"Improving US global relations" is not just lip service. Today the US may give China: The hummer!

The Hummer deal should close today.
Viva la 'global relations'.

October 8, 2009

October 7, 2009

A late show of appallogy!

An apology on the Late Show, for an appalling act, sweetened by a dose of humor!

October 6, 2009

What do you get when you cross a Bear with a Bull? The Bell.

So what does the bell have in store for us today? Looks like after a lot of bearish days we finally get a bull.

October 4, 2009

Seems like CBS is going to rename the show to - "Laid Show" with David, let her, man!!!

Not only do you C BS on that network, apparently there's also a lot of BS happening behind the scenes!!

October 3, 2009

Paleontologists study life before history. Palintologists study a life without history, geography or common sense!

So paleontologists have discovered "Ardi", a 4.4 Mil. year old human. Way before history. Just a hop away from Russia, Palintologists are having a field day as well.

October 2, 2009

Garment industry stocks plummet with news of the 2016 Olympics in Rio. Nike announces the "Just Do It" line of beads and accessories.

Blame it on Rio!
Let the fun begin.

Want the best seats to the 2016 Chicago Olympics? Rod Blagojevich is now accepting bids!

Opening ceremony, closing ceremony and everything in between. The man has them all. And this, even before officials have picked Chicago as the home for the 2016 Olympics.

September 30, 2009

It is official: Toyota and Lexus cars give the highest MPG, ON THE PLANET!!! They just keep going and going and going. Even when you want them to stop!!!.

Toyota's biggest recall ever. More than 4 million cars on a driver's side mat that jams the accelerator.
Runaway cars, anyone?

September 27, 2009

September 26, 2009

Just heard that PepsiCo is going to setup a bottling plant on the moon. The lunar drink will be called Craterade!

Water on the moon!!! YaaY!!
The logical next step would be bottled drinks, right?

September 25, 2009

Gmail: If it were not for the 'cloud', would it be as unpredictable as the weather?

Cloud or no Cloud, what's with GMail lately? Outages seem to be the rule rather than the exception!

September 24, 2009

September 23, 2009

Our outdoor party has been canceled. The tent was mistakenly delivered a few blocks away in Bedford!

Really guys! Muammar al-Gaddafi in Bedford!! What next? OBL in Greenwich!

National debt, $11 trillion. Financial bailout, $8 trillion. Health care reform, $1 trillion. What you and I hope for. Price LESS.

Prices of things that matter just keep rising. When is the individual citizen getting a bailout?

September 20, 2009

Sony Pictures now has exclusive movie rights with South African runner Caster Semenya. Based on her gender crisis the movie will be titled "Claudie with a chance of meatballs."

The south african official finally admits lying over Caster Semenya's gender tests....phew! Coincedentaly the movie Cloudy with a chance of meatballs released this weekend. Just couldn't resist the comparison...!!!

September 19, 2009

Scraping missile interceptors in eastern Europe, President Obama moves from dropping polls to gaining Poles!...Good one chief!

Now we can confidently say that President Obama is gaining Poles!!!
A president not doing so well at the polls scraps the missile defence program in Poland and kiddin'...Poles! along with some very happy Russians.

September 18, 2009

Made In China: The Raptorex, packed the punch of a T-Rex, but "at a fraction of the ..." Sounds familiar? They have been at it for a 125 million years!

Looks like China excelled at the "made at a fraction of the ...." business millions of years back. Scientists have discovered the remains of a dinosaur that had most of the physical features and functions of a T-Rex, however much much smaller!!

September 16, 2009

Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol", a.k.a. the U.S. $.

If Robert Langdon were in the "real world" would he be chasing the elusive U.S. $?
Far more exciting, don't you think so?

September 15, 2009

George W's favorite game as a toddler: Duck, Duck, Shoose!

Muntadar al-Zaidi the journalist who threw shoes at then President George W. Bush in Iraq is released after 9 months in prison. Apparently Iraq threw the book at him!

Ghosts don't die. They just lighten their spirits!

Ghost star Patrick Swayze succumbs to cancer.

September 13, 2009

Cad burys Kraft offer!

No more chocolate cheescake on the horizon. Cadbury rejects Kraft's takeover bid.

September 12, 2009

Real estate is virtually back! Go, monopolize.

Hasboro and Google have partnered to make the ever popular game Monopoly available online. Any street in the world through Google Maps! Try it out at

September 11, 2009

Facebook loses wait. Welcome Facebook Lite.

Facebook releases a "lite" Twitter like version for individuals with lower bandwidth and slower systems!!

September 10, 2009

Ellen TheGenerous Judge!

Ellen DeGeneres will be the fourth judge on American Idol's next season replacing Paula Abdul.

September 9, 2009

September 8, 2009

A good message does not need to mess with age.

President Obama plans to speak to the nations school children raising concerns that the message will be politically motivated

September 7, 2009

Labor Pains!

Given the current unemployment rate and the job market. Labor day does highlight a painfull reality.

September 6, 2009

Here comes the sun; Here comes the fun!

The new game The Beatles: Rock Band hits the market.

September 5, 2009

On medical tourists' menus: St-ache and Kidney Ply.

Kidneys being harvested from third world countries for reciepients in the United States and other developed nations.

September 4, 2009


Research shows the Arctic is now the warmest in 2000 years. A global warning!

September 3, 2009

Haul-Ye-Wood away from the flames!

The wildfires near Los Angeles, California are raging and firefighters are sweating around the clock to contain the damage.

September 2, 2009

Should GM be cautious to adopt Google Mail? After all it would mean GM-ailing!!!

So GMail was down yesterday! Do large organizations who are evaluating the benefits of moving to the "cloud" have something to worry about?

September 1, 2009

It ten is, do us know where our children are?

Making headlines are tennis at the US open and the disturbing story of Jaycee Dugard, kidnapped as a child and held for more than eleven years.

August 31, 2009

"Half gone"istan, are we losing control?

US to release report that the coalition effort in Afghanistan is not working out as planned.

August 30, 2009

India loses Raj over Chandra (yaan)!!!

India loses radio contact and control over its first moon mission Chandrayaan-1

August 29, 2009

An explosion? There IS an app for that!

Unconfirmed reports of exploding iPhones in Europe.

August 28, 2009

iPhone coming to China....will it look any different? ;)

Oh ! That would have been valid, if it was an eyePhone!
Don't kill the messenger.

August 27, 2009

Microsoft Poland's new jingle: 'Ebony and I worry'

Controversy hits Microsoft as black model’s face is photoshoped off an online ad in Poland to be replaced by a white face….the hand remains black.

August 26, 2009

Central Interrogation Agency!

Details about the CIA’s interrogation methods hit the headlines…again.

August 25, 2009

Google's the best search engine. EVER! Where else could you find names of anonymous bloggers?!

Google divulges name of anonymous blogger when taken to court by model Liskula Cohen.

Does Caster need a gender test? Her name is Semen. Ya?

South African runner Caster Semenya is questioned about her gender.

August 24, 2009

Ash for Lunkers!!! May they rest in piece....environmentally responsible pieces.

The Cash for Clunkers program officially ends in the US. Now, how are the clunkers going to be dealt with?

August 23, 2009

Barack and Bill to storm the Cape!

As Cape Cod residents prepare for a visit from the first family, hurricane Bill shows its fury.

Firefighters apply elbow Greece!

Wildfires rage in the vicinity of Athens, Greece.

August 22, 2009

Law curb B or not to B?

Should the Lockerbie bomber be released on humanitarian grounds?

Lib ya, right!

The Lockerbie bomber is released “liberated” to return to home country of Libya amongst questioning about the decision, given the lives lost in the plane crash.

August 21, 2009

Oracle executives get another hunting license - Bison!

Oracle gets a go ahead from the justice department for the purchase of Sun Micro Systems.

August 20, 2009

Go, ogle - Time Warner shows on YouTube!"

Google’s YouTube to offer Time Warner shows like CNN. Go ahead ogle to your heart’s content.

August 18, 2009

Readers Die, jest lives on. From lines on paper, to papers on-line.

Print media in general sees consumers moving away from print to electronic media. Readers Digest files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

August 17, 2009

Accenture's new ad campaign: Go on. Beat a Tiger.

Tiger Woods loses PGA championship to Y. E. Yang.

He's already reached the finish line, while U sain' "Start!"

Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt sets new 100m world record at 9.58 seconds.

August 16, 2009

Wouldstock be a phenomenon today?

Woodstock celebrates 40 years this weekend.

August 15, 2009

Indiapendence Day.

Indian Independence Day.

August 14, 2009

August 13, 2009

Even after getting a 'F' in geography, I wouldn't look for the Arctic Sea in the English Channel!

Cargo ship “Arctic Sea” disappears after being last seen in the English Channel.

August 12, 2009

A new era begins? Hi, Volt Age.

Chevrolet announces new vehicle offering 200+ miles per gallon. Is this the beginning of a new era?

August 11, 2009

In the U.S. why is it that I mostly see Audis driven by women?

Just my observation, what do you think?

Google's tall story just venti grande! Google Caffeine. Are you addicted?

Google pilots a pepped up version of Google search, code named Google Caffeine. Have you tried it already? Do you feel the caffeine?

August 10, 2009

Glaciers on thin ice !

Reports confirm that global warming is causing glaciers to melt faster than believed earlier.

August 9, 2009

Starting today, on Ebay, you can bid on GM cars. Cars that you did not like and chose not to purchase until yesterday!

The new GM tries out a new business model by selling new cars over Ebay in California.

August 8, 2009

Will an Apple tablet be hard to swallow?

Rumors about the upcoming Apple tablet swarm chat rooms with questions about its feasibility and success.

August 7, 2009

Royal Scots "pound" Britain!

Royal Bank of Scotland results push the British Pound lower in comparison to the US Dollar.

August 6, 2009

Pow l'Abdul.

Paula Abdul will not judge the next season of American Idol.

Tweet a bit louder, I can't follow you!

Twitter and Facebook hacked causing a Denial Of Service situation.

August 5, 2009

'Taking stock of your portfolio' may no longer mean taking stock off your portfolio!

The stock market seems to be consistently doing well. Time to rebalance your portfolio?

August 4, 2009

After the HILL and Hill, Bill reaches out to Il.

After efforts from Capitol Hill and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton reaches out to Kim Jong Il of North Korea to negotiate the release of two captured journalists.

August 3, 2009

Ahmadinejad starts term. Mousavi terms start.

President Ahmadinejad of Iran to be sworn in to second term after a controversial victory over Mousavi.

August 2, 2009

Google apparently not the Appl' of our i.

Apple apparently blocks Google Voice application for the iPhone.

August 1, 2009

Skype gets a jolt!

Skype in litigation with JoltID whose core technology is licensed by Skype.

July 31, 2009

Crash for Clunkers!

Cash for Clunkers initiative runs out of Cash!!!

July 30, 2009

July 29, 2009

Bing - Yang : Complementary opposites!

Microsoft and Yahoo plan to address the search advertisement market through a complementary collaboration. What do you say Mr. Yang?

Twitter acquires Facelook!

Twitter acquires a new homepage look.

July 28, 2009

July 27, 2009

Palin believes she could serve Alaskans better by leaving the office. So I wonder, could she serve Americans better by.....

Governor Palin steps down for the greater good, and rumors about her presidential bid churn.

Clink for Clunk, I hope that translates environmentally to Jink for Junk.

Cash for Clunkers initiative kicks in. Will it actually protect the environment?

July 26, 2009

TdF: No Spain, no gain!

Alberto Contador of Spain wins the Tour de France.

"Re-imagine Starbucks"...After a lot of re-imagination...Coffee&Tea...more stars...and even more bucks!!

Starbucks tries to reinvent itself with new chain 15th Ave Coffee & Tea.

July 25, 2009

I'm broke into my own house.

In the news, home foreclosures and Gates arrest for breaking into his own home.

July 24, 2009

Lance Armstrong bids 'Asta Na Vista'.

Lance Armstrong to leave team Astana and join Team Radioshack.

July 23, 2009

Legacy! Legacy! Health Care Reform BILL !

The pressure is on to meet the deadline set by President Obama on the healthcare reform, however previous lessons learnt are holding back decisions. A

DOW fords ahead!

DOW surges with positive news from Ford motors.

July 22, 2009


Space object hits Jupiter creating a scar and debris field the size of the Pacific ocean.

July 21, 2009


Ongoing debate on Guantanamo closures.

Continental Airlines pats down Indian ex-President...are they taking president Obama's "reach out to the world" message too seriously?

Indian government demands apology as ex-president is “patted down” as part of a security check.

In a matter of a week the moon has progressed from stealing the limelight to stealing the sunlight!

In the news the moon landing and a total solar eclipse.

July 20, 2009

His moonwalk was out of this world; He is the King of Rock; He found the best location to ever land; His operation gave mankind a Facelift.

Topping the news: 40 years since Neil Armstrongs walk on the moon and Michael Jackson’s untimely death investigation.

Fend it like Beckham.

David Beckham tries to defend himself amongst booing fans.

American Idle: Paula Abdul

Apparently Paula Abdul (America Idol judge) has no contract extension for the next season.

July 19, 2009

Palestine Isreal ?

US shares concerns about Israeli settlements.

July 18, 2009

Breaking News: Mumbai-The Taj Hotel: One floor hijacked by men with guns, host ages under stress, hotel guests cry out "S. O. S." once again.

Security closes down floor of the Taj Hotel in Mumbai as nervous organizers plan the visit of US Secretary Of State: Hillary Clinton.

Fed says, "At the end i call the shots, CIT you are no CITI."

Fed refuses to bailout CIT.

July 17, 2009

Legs, Benedict !

Pope Benedict gets injured in a fall.

Microsoft's spanking new search engine Bing brings the same old search results. Yahoo!

Microsoft and Yahoo talk about mergers…again!

July 16, 2009

Pakistan's national average IQ just went up a few points. Manmohan Singh and Yousaf Gillani have decided to share "intelligence".

India and Pakistan agree to share intelligence to control terrorism.

SatVrn - Apo11o

40th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11 that blasted off on the Saturn 5 in 1969.

July 15, 2009

Harry Potter and the anemic prince.

Release of much awaited Harry Potter sequel (Half-blood prince).

Intel, in the chips!

Intel does well at the end of the quarter.

July 14, 2009

Microsoft rainmaker reaches out to the cloud.

Microsoft to offer collaboration products free of cost in a cloud model.

Madoff - "Mr. Risk", begins a 150 year sentence in a state that is first in "flight"!.....hmmm.

Scam artist begins life long sentence.

Gold, man! Sachs and Sachs of Gold!

Goldman Sachs reports exceptional numbers!

July 13, 2009

inTELLigence, Mr. Cheney!

Apparently ex-vice president Cheney ordered the CIA to hold intelligence back from the senate.

Kim Jong Il...very il.

News leaks about the North Korean leaders’ health and possibility of pancreatic cancer.

Taro not on the cards in Japan.

Taro Aso, prime minister of Japan loses public appeal.

July 12, 2009

KING OF POPping pills???

Investigation around Michael Jackson’s death focuses on drug use/abuse.

July 11, 2009

Palin says, "You've got me all backwards, please don't haraS me."

Governor Sarah (haraS) Palin complains about media harassment linked to her resignation.

Lanc3 ArIIIstrong...

Lance Armstrong now at 3rd place in ongoing Tour de France.


Sacha Barron Cohen’s Bruno does exceptionally well at the box office opening weekend.

July 10, 2009

The Bull is back !!!.......Encierro!

While the Bull remains elusive on wall street, Spaniards are being chased by the bulls in Pamplona Spain.

Finding Neverland? Look in Shanghai!

China to build a replica of Michael Jackson’s Neverland.

King of Pop, meet Emperor of Copy!

China to build a copy of Michael Jackson’s Neverland.

Brand New GM: Government Motors.

GM emerges out of bankruptcy as a new leaner company albeit with a lot of government assistance.

July 9, 2009

Sperm created in lab - Are we evolving from Human to WhoMan?

British claim of creation of the human sperm raises a lot of questions!

Climate Change: In this case cc means FYA and not just FYI.

Climate Change on the list of hot topics being discussed at the G8 summit.

Berlustconi !

Italian prime minister Berlusconi’s private life comes to center stage during the G8 summit.

July 8, 2009

Chrome slated!

Google’s Chrome browser to be offered on mobile devices.

July 7, 2009

G8 needs some V8

Disorganized Italian G8 summit needs US intervention and assistance in organization.


Airlines to offer “standing” spots on flights!!!

July 6, 2009


Roger Federer wins the Wimbledon.

Palin micro-blogging at

Governor Palin being labeled as a quitter after her resignation.

Serial Ciller

Serial killer apprehended in (SC) South Carolina.

July 5, 2009

Be czar Palin?

Is governor Palin’s resignation part of her bid to run for presidency?


Andy Roddick loses Wimbledon to Roger Federer.

July 4, 2009

July 3, 2009

Debbie Jean is not my lover, she's just a girl who claims that she is the one and the kid is yes her son.

Rumors begin about Michael Jackson’s ex-wife Deborah Jeanne Rowe plan to claim custody of their children.

Alaska celebrates independence ... a day early!

Alaskan governor Sarah Palin deciding to step down a year before her term ends.

July 2, 2009

The latest craze at Moscow casinos: Russian roulette!

Russia closes down Moscow casinos, moving them off to Siberia!!

So what's the least favorite music genre in North Korea? Seoul!

Korean tensions mount again.

California : The gold-done state

California officially runs of money and starts offering IOUs to creditors.

June 30, 2009

Unfortunately lately headlines seem more like dead-lines. Housing market, Economy, Morale, Celebrities, Disasters...

Another celebrity death: Billy Mays, crash of Yemeni airliner in the Indian ocean, metro accident in Washington D.C. and a train disaster in Italy.

Iranian authorities say - Partial recount shows election is valid. I guess it all depends on what you mean by "Partial"

Is the recount partial towards president Ahmadinejad or was it a partial recount? ...The jury is out.

Emit no. CA.

The emission controls in California will surely bring about cooling any which way you see it. Yes it will be an AC on time!!

June 29, 2009

Pawn-zi schemes need a check, mate!

Bernard Madoff sentenced to 150 years in prison. Have we put checks in place to prevent future Ponzi schemes?

Automatics drive Manuel shift in Honduras.

The military in Honduras storms president Manuel Zelaya’s palace and exiles him to Costa Rica.

June 28, 2009


Killings and brutality. Is there a holy war being raged in Iran by president Ahmadinejad?

June 27, 2009

Madoff to give up $3000 cell phone for a phone by the cell.

Millionaire financier Bernard Madoff sentencing slated for Monday. The debate is whether he’ll get 150 years in prison or the 12 years requested by his attorneys.

Ruth less Madoff!

Ruth Madoff wife of financier Bernard Madoff to give up her fortune in wake of the financial scam that destroyed the lives of hundreds.

June 26, 2009

Angel & King.

The death of two showbiz icons: Farrah Fawcett known for playing one of the Angels in Charlie’s Angels and Michael Jackson the King of Pop.

The seat belt of Orion!!

GM to manufacture small cars in the Orion township of Michigan rather than Wisconsin or Tennessee.

June 25, 2009

I ran to Argentina for a fair closure.

In the news: Iran and Argentina. Iranian citizens looking for a fair closure to their elections. Governor Mark Sanford’s trip to Argentina apparently was to get closure on his affair.

Wonder why Craigslist (including adult gigs) is available in China, but Google is apparently blocked?

China tries to block Google due to concerns on access to adult content.

Cavalier Shaq?

Shaquille O’Neal to be traded to the Cleveland Cavaliers. Is it a good decision? On a lighter note is Shaq a cavalier?

June 24, 2009

Boeing 7wait7 - InYourDreamsLiner!

Boeing once again delays indefinitely the release of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner due to structural issues.

Ar gent in a secret trip.

South Carolina governor Mark Sanford makes a secret trip to Argentina to visit his mistress. Neither his office or his family claim to be aware of his whereabouts.

Nike : Just doo it.

Nike revenue projections and stock plummet.

June 23, 2009

Pakistan : Wicket not Wicked! At least for a moment this week.

Pakistan wins the T20 cricket championship earlier that week.

Supreme leader of the land, no wonder he's called Mr. Aay-Tol-Ya Ha-many (times)

Ayatollah Khomeini the supreme leader of Iran speaks out about the Iranian presidential elections.

John and Kate minusate.

John and Kate of the reality show John and Kate Plus 8 decide to separate (minusate).

June 22, 2009

Shroud your IP, proxy your Facebook, Twitter and Email. The voice of Iran is thriving behind the electronic veil.

The Iranian citizens find ways to send news about happenings there through social networking sites and creative masking of their identities and locations after the government clamps down on the internet.

The burqa denies an equal right to woo men.

President Nicolas Sarkozy of France calls to the ban of the burqa being worn by Muslim women.

June 20, 2009

pivot...pitot...pilot. Buffalo...Brazil...Belgium.

Apparently the Buffalo plane crash was caused by the autopilot causing the plane to pivot, the Brazil crash is most probably due to faulty pitots and the day before a pilot died midway from Belgium to the US.

Does the word PaRent imply that the father is not intended to be "always there" or "completely committed" or ... ?

Father’s Day coming up.

June 19, 2009

Looney Tunes : A mission to the moon and a new iPhone....could it get any better?

Release of a new iPhone and a NASA mission to the moon (unmanned).

When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's A MES.

NASA AMES to launch unmanned probe to the moon.

June 18, 2009

So what's the discussion about same-sex marriages? Aren't most marriages today "the same" sex marriages?

President Obama proposes benefits to same-sex couples.


Tom Cruise movie Mission: Impossible IV planned release in 2011.

June 17, 2009

Will the Endeavour saga Eavourend?

Space shuttle Endeavors’ launch cancelled again due to fuel leakage issues.

Porsche's approach to fuel efficiency = Partner with an oil rich nation!......Hhhmmmmm!

Qatar to invest upto 25% stake in car manufacturer Porsche.

June 16, 2009

Koenigsegg geared to sweden the Saab deal!

Swedish sports car manufacturer - Koenigsegg to take over Saab from GM.

Equality? Apparently male votes did not count either in Iran!

Apparently vote counting was rigged in Iran (…female and male votes…) .

June 15, 2009

Apparently oil is not the only thing rigged in Iran.

The people of Iran believe the presidential elections were rigged.

Fall Street!

Wall Street stumbles.

June 14, 2009

Six Flags Theme Parked!

Six Flags Theme Parks files for bankruptcy protection.

June 13, 2009

Lemon Mousavi

The Iranian presidential election turns out to be a lemon for Mousavi.

June 12, 2009

June 11, 2009

Missed California.

Miss California finally loses her crown.

50,000 apps and growing, built in GPS and compass, video and still camera, email, messaging, web browsing, audio-book, music and movie player. So why do we still call it a phone?

With all the bells, whistles and sirens on mobile devices today, why do we still insist on calling them phones?

June 10, 2009

Google's favorite game lately....Bing-go!

Google reacting to the latest “Search” offering from Microsoft called Bing.

So will it be Chryslerati or Chryslerari? In any case it would need the magic touch of a Chryslergini!

I wonder if the combined brands of Chrysler and Fiat will create magic?

June 9, 2009

Chrysler stay. Fiat go.

A stay order to Chrysler given by the US courts could mean Fiat walks away from the deal.

June 8, 2009

...and the Teny goes to Billy Elliot!

Billy Elliot picks up Ten Tonys at the award ceremony.

iPhone 3G yeS!

Apple announces the rumored newer and faster iPhone 3G S.

June 7, 2009

Bienvenue, Monsieur Federer!

Roger Federer wins his first French Open title.

June 6, 2009

What is the difference between Eminem and the Economy? Well, one of the two seems to have seen bottom recently.

Sacha Baron Cohen surprises the audience and Eminem at the MTV awards, with an up, close and personal experience of his bottom!!!


The popular game Tetris that has grabbed attention and a huge fan following, turns 25.

June 5, 2009

Will people Sprint for the Palm Pre, or "Were Eyes On" the upcoming new ATT iPhone?

Palm releases the nifty Pre through Sprint, will consumers bite or are they awaiting the rumored new iPhone through ATT or the rumored iPhone on Verizon?

Die Frau Merkel hat gedacht, dieser Besuch bringt sie Macht, jetzt weißt sie nicht ganz OB AM Anfang ist es nur ein Stepptanz.

Chancellor Merkel is hoping that President Obama’s visit will improve some of the declining glory of Germany in the European Union, especially in comparison to France. But after his speech she could be left guessing?

June 4, 2009

Walk the walk like an Egyptian!

Can President Obama deliver on the commitments he makes in Egypt.

June 3, 2009

Pyramid Scheme!

President Obama visiting Cairo with an intent to grab attention of the Muslim world.

Bing: It's not just eew!

Microsoft plans the marketing campaign for its new decision engine – Bing. Targeting the flaws in current search engines that return an overload of information, the campaign focuses on “It’s not just you”. Bing simultaneously comes under the lens of Google followers.

June 2, 2009

Announcing the new ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXBox .... Y? ...Zzzz.

Microsoft planning a new Xbox which would do everything except make coffee for you….Is that practical and necessary?

June 1, 2009

HuJ in Taon? Timothy Geithner

Timothy Geithner makes a trip to China to meet the Chinese leadership (Hu Jintao) and discuss the global Financial crisis.

The Dow says, "Telecommute". GM out, Cisco in !

GM gets edged out of the DOW Industrial and gets replaced by Cisco.

May 31, 2009

GM: Loses WOW, takes a BOW from the DOW, what NOW?

GM on the verge of bankruptcy, will be inched off the Dow. Who shall replace GM on the Dow Industrial?

May 30, 2009

Are you suffering from online SICKurity problems? Soon you could visit the DOCS: Department Of Cyber Security.

President Obama announces the position of a Cyber Czar to manage Cyber Security.

Britain’s got Diversity.

The group Diversity outshines Susan Boyle as the winner of Britain’s got Talent.

May 29, 2009

Chapter 11 Scene 27: The hero looks into the eyes of the people holding him and says, with aplomb, "My name is bond - GM's bond."

GM and its bond holders cannot reach an agreement. This is expected to drive GM to seek Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

May 28, 2009

Sonia yet so far!

Sonia Sotomayor inches step by step forward to her Supreme Court nomination confirmation.

May 27, 2009

O pelease!

GM in talks to sell Opel brand in Europe to Fiat who earlier entered a deal with Chrysler.

ATT = Arkansas Texting Tutorials

AT&T acknowledges handing out cell phones and conducting tutorials to Kris Allen fans in Arkansas on power texting options for the controversial American Idol vote.

May 26, 2009

May 23, 2009

The Facebook behind the veil

In preparation for upcoming elections Iran blocks access to Facebook.

May 22, 2009


Nancy Pelosi accuses the CIA of lying during briefings.

May 20, 2009

Simon says…

General anticipation and prediction of Idol judges that Adam Lambert will be the next American Idol.


Kris Allen defeats Adam Lambert and becomes the next American Idol.

If it is intended to hit a target, why do we call it a miss-ile?

North Korea tests another missile.

May 19, 2009

Join the Miles High Club!

New MPG standards suggested by President Obama, will you join the band wagon?

May 18, 2009

Easter eggs in May? It's WolframAlpha at play.

It’s not a search engine but a Computational Knowledge Engine??? With a lot of hidden features ….. Easter Eggs!!!

Biden’s BunkErr!

VP Joe Biden reveals location of secret Vice Presidential bunker.

May 17, 2009

The only choices I value are those in lIFe.

President Obama speaks at the University of Notre Dame raising concerns about him being pro-choice. Personally the only choice I value are those in life not ABOUT life.

May 16, 2009

Indian Idol - Our man Mohan sings!

Election results coming in. Manmohan Singh could win another term leading India.


Dealerships are irate about the uncertainty of their future with Chrysler and GM planning massive shutdowns.

May 15, 2009

Los Angeles & Des Moines it will paint every town, You've cyan red it thanks tan brown!

Angels & Demons: Much anticipated movie based on Dan Brown novel debuts.

May 14, 2009

Scandal around adult and sex services being advertised on makes headlines. Craigslist announces a revamp of their categories.

Saturn does a Pluto.

GM announces the Saturn brand will be discontinued.

May 13, 2009

For Closure!

It’s high time we get the foreclosure mess behind us.

DOW in dust. Real?

The Dow plunges. Again!

May 12, 2009

Wanda Yikes!

Wanda Sykes makes a killing at the White House Correspondents’ dinner with her shocking speech taking jabs at Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin.

Unemployment is up, the market is down and in the news today Miss California keeps her crown!?

In the midst of the global financial crisis we still have time to worry about Miss California keeping her crown.

May 11, 2009

Hubble Trubble!

NASA prepares Atlantis for space trip to repair the Hubble telescope.

Standard & Very Poors

S&P drops and the general gloom continues to hover over the economy and life in general.

May 10, 2009


Mother’s Day 2009. When the world seems upside down, who turns it into a WOW? MOM ofcourse…turned over reads WOW!

May 9, 2009

'M always there for you....ever wonder why in most languages the word mother begins with "M"!......dads on the other hand are literally all over the place ;)

Eve of Mother’s Day 2009.

WinFree Coupons!

Oprah Winfrey announces coupons for free KFC Chicken, both her website and KFC restaurants are clogged causing chaos followed by apologies.

May 8, 2009

What odd piece of bedroom furniture brought senator John Edwards' home crumblin' down? ... One nightstand!

Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Presidential candidate John Edwards talks about amongst other things his affair.

Resistance is futile...

Go for it! The new Star Trek movie. boldly go where they have already gone before.

New Star Trek movie takes us back to the beginning.

May 7, 2009

Would you call a virus on the Kindle a bookworm or just a newsance?

Amazon releases new version of its Kindle book and newspaper reader.

ManHe's Dodgy!

Manny Ramirez of the Los Angeles Dodgers is suspended after testing positive for performance enhancing drugs.

"Beam me BACK Scotty!"

Coming Soon! Star Trek Prequel.

May 6, 2009


Taliban issues escalate in Pakistan. Many question if they are one and the same?

Ken ya?

Women in Kenya withhold sex in bid to end the political feud....Can you? ;)

Apple loses Jobs; Microsoft cuts jobs...Hhhmmmm!

Steve Jobs return delayed at the same time Microsoft cuts more Jobs.

May 5, 2009

Sicko de Mayo!

The Swine Flu pandemic constrains Cinco de Mayo celebrations in Mexico.

Do you prefer berries over apples?

Blackberry sales beat the iPhone.

cHECK the box.

President Obama targets offshore tax havens in an effort to reverse the Clinton era “check the box” policy.

May 4, 2009

B-ofA+, C-, UB+S, HSB-C+, RB-S....

Government to release financial institutions’ health check score card. How will your bank fare?

May 3, 2009

"I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do isn't very nice..."

X-Men Wolverine does well at the box office on its opening weekend inspite of high quality illegal downloads available 30 days prior to official release.

May 2, 2009

The Vice President's healthy diet = Avoid Blimpies and Subway!

Vice President Joe Biden in context of the Swine Flu advices people to avoid flights and subways !!!! The White House then issues a correction.

The Hunt preciousss!

Lord Of The Rings fan movie The Hunt For Gollum releases over the web. Free streaming amidst controversy over copyrights.

May 1, 2009

MAY ONE worker's day be another's work day one.

May 1st: Workers’ Day. Hoping that the employment numbers improve.


Bombayites prefer to remain quiet. Very low voter turnout in elections.

In August we could be in 7th heaven!!!...go ahead, grab a Windows seat!

Rumors that Microsoft will release feature rich new version of Windows: Windows 7 in August.

May 1st Prank ?!!!...........Starting today you won't be arrested if you poke, follow or invade the President's space.

The White House enters Social Networking with pages on Facebook, Twitter and MySpace.

April 30, 2009

Want to feel young instantly? Look up 090423.

Oldest object yet in the universe discovered GRB 090423. 13 Billion years old!


Chrysler seems to have hit road blocks to meet April 30th deadline to avoid filing for bankruptcy protection.

CAIROpracticALI pains pigs!

Egypt decides to slaughter pigs in fear of the Swine Flu.

From Aspen to the Pacific(a), across Town & Country, we PT Cruiser whose parent came under Crossfire and saviors from across the Se bring hope on this April 30 0nine.

Iconic Chrysler files for bankruptcy protection. Here’s the model lineup Aspen, Pacifica, Town & Country, PT Cruiser, Crossfire, Sebring and 300.

April 29, 2009

Pirates off the aribbean C

Somali pirates continue to be active in the Indian Ocean….Off the Arabian Sea!

Can Lewis

Shareholders vote to “Can” Ken Lewis as Chairman of Bank of America.

April 28, 2009


The bipartisanship agenda of President Obama does not seem to be working as planned as he completes 100 days in office.


Low flying plane over Manhattan generates panic and even a dip in the stock market. Oh! It was just a photo shoot!


Too many questions about the H1N1 (Swine Flu) Virus outbreak emerge.

April 27, 2009

Famous Pontiac models: Sunbird, Firebird and now the Dodo!

General Motors pulls the plug on the Pontiac brand.

Note to myself: Recheck what the letter 'F' in NAFTA stands for?!

Looks like the Flu virus is being traded freely from Mexico to the US and Canada.

April 26, 2009

The difference between wit and twit is a character!

How does one get witty without getting “twitty”?

April 25, 2009

April 24, 2009

Redoubt my fire…. 110

Redoubt volcano in Alaska gets active….on Twitter!

An app a day makes the iPhone play.

Apple reaches 1 billionth app download!

April 23, 2009


Credit Card crisis expected to be up next.

April 22, 2009

Blue Earth. Earth Blue.

Earth Day: Our planet is in peril. What are you doing to address the blues?

What's worse than finding a Worm in an Apple? ...

Virus in the works that could attack MACs?

Anoop They Sigh a Lil this Round.

Anoop Desai and Lil Rounds get eliminated in the first dual-eliminations on American Idol this season.

April 21, 2009

Ya Who?

Yahoo announces further layoffs due to worsening forecasts. Do they have a future?

April 20, 2009

Queen of Hearts; King of Clubs; Ace of Spades!

Archeologists think they are close to locating the tombs of Cleopatra and Marc Antony at Taposiris near Alexandria.

Archeological Nilestone?

Will archeologists locate the tombs of Cleopatra and Marc Antony at Taposiris near Alexandria.

April 19, 2009

KrisTEN Dalton

Kristen Dalton Miss North Carolina wins Miss USA 2009 pagent.

April 18, 2009

It all Boyles down to Talent.

47 year old Susan Boyle wows world with singing talent.

April 17, 2009

Yankee StadiYummm!

Spanking new stadium opens with state of the art facilities.

¿ 401 Qué ?

What’s happened to our 401K accounts? Do they exist?

April 16, 2009


Obama leaves for Mexico! Will trip deliver results?

April 15, 2009


Obama family gets the Portugese Waterdog as a pet. The nation watches!!...Why?

Tax Day - Is your W2 as scary as good ole W?

Tax Day 2009. Taxes and GWBush.

Tax Day - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeFile!

Tax Day 2009. Hurting financially people prefer to eFile.


Tax Day 2009. What is the real intent of the Tax rebates?

April 14, 2009

Raj Ramachandran wonders if LoJack could address Hijack?

How do you think can we deal with the piracy off Somalia?

April 13, 2009

Coming Soon! Earnings and Learnings, Banks and Bankruptcy

Markets brace for bank earnings and GM bankruptcy.

April 12, 2009

April 10, 2009

Chrysler gives up beer for wine. Are they going from Wurst to Bella?

Chrysler is keen on merger with Italian car maker, Fiat. Have they learnt any lessons from their marriage to German car maker, Daimler?

April 9, 2009

Call FloRida

Rapper Flo Rida shares his mobile number with fans and responds to calls and text messages. Go ahead call him.

Teach the girls cycling while they monitor my recycling.

My 6 year olds show interest in cycling and recycling.

Can we 86 the 83?

Obama requests for another $83 Billion for the wars. I believe we should 86 the request.

April 8, 2009

I RAQued up a few extra miles on my international trip - O.

Obama makes an unplanned stop in Baghdad on his first international trip.

April 7, 2009

Reaching out to the MuSLIM world; Obama "Talks Turkey"

Obama talks frankly in a message to the Muslim world in Turkey.


DOW falls.

April 6, 2009



April 5, 2009

Spare A-Rod spoil A-Child.

My thoughts on the Alex Rodriguez (A-Rod) drug scandal.

April 4, 2009

N. Korea launching "communication" satellite………Communication with whom???

North Korea plans to launch satellite that it claims to be a communication satellite and refuses to talk.

April 3, 2009

Can G20 brace a 20G economic tailspin?

G20 meet in Europe to address economy

CITI way out in left FIELD?

Citi Field stadium opens in New York with Citigroup paying $20M a year for naming rights in the midst of a financial crisis.

April 2, 2009

Classic or Touch?

US President gifts British Queen with an iPod. Which one did he pick?

Dow Wow!

DOW hits 8000

March 31, 2009

In Dust Ry?

Market conditions

March 29, 2009

March 28, 2009

Insider News: Top rank M&A action happening this weekend

Monsters vs. Aliens movie release. Big bucks expected.

Earth Our

Earth Hour

March 25, 2009

Raj Ramachandran plans to "con" ficker on April Fool's Day

conficker C worm threat to get real on April 1.

March 24, 2009

Lance's ArmStrong but CollarWeak

Lance Armstrong breaks collar bone