July 31, 2011

Modern grandma's beauty advice: Every night before going to bed airbrush your face, a hundred strokes!

U.K. Bans two L'Oreal ads for misleading airbrush touchups. Julia Roberts is one of the Miss Leading Ladies!

July 30, 2011

July 29, 2011

July 27, 2011

July 25, 2011

Note to the U.S.: Raising the ceiling implies you will be raising the roof!!!

Financial markets get nervous with no end in sight for the U.S. debt ceiling issue. The more you borrow, the more you party, I say!

July 24, 2011

Men love to be shaken, women love to be stirred!

Linda Christian, first Bond girl, dies.

July 23, 2011

Knock, Knock!....Who's there?....Dinosaur....Dinosaur, who?

Jurassic Park 4.....They're baaaack!

Microsoft is going through a tough period. It needs a tablet to stop the bleeding!

Microsoft sales of Windows drop, primarily due to lack of consumer demand for PCs and a strong dominance of Apple and Google in tablets.

July 22, 2011

How do they secure the space shuttle to the space station? With the help of an astro-knot!!!

Space shuttle Atlantis returns for the last time as NASA ends shuttle program.

July 20, 2011

Tiger Woods' favorite movie: Caddy's hack !!!

Tiger Woods fires Longtime caddy Steve Williams.

An Eco-friendly apple product for the elderly: Granny Smith!

Apple overshoots wall street expectations.

July 19, 2011

July 18, 2011

1 Yard = 3 Feet; 1 Scotland Yard = 2 Cold Feet !

Scotland Yard chief stepping down in possible link to Murdoch scandal.

Japan: Land of the rising daughter!

Japanese women's football team wins the world cup!

July 17, 2011

Overheard at Venezuelan immigration. Officer: "Hugo?" Passenger: "It is I, Chavez!"

Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez leaves for Cuba to undergo treatment.

July 16, 2011

July 15, 2011

What computers do they use at Hogwarts? HP!

Enjoyed the last Harry Potter today.

July 14, 2011

Netflix customers are screaming instead of streaming!

Netflix raises prices, customers not loving it!

July 13, 2011

July 12, 2011

In the EU, U don't bail them out, U ROPE them out !!!

EU financial troubles cause stock market plunge.

July 9, 2011

Why couldn't E.T. call home? His plan did not include roaming!

NASA ends space shuttle program. Atlantis makes final flight.

July 7, 2011

Crapp: An app that no one wants to download!

Apple's store tops 15 billion downloads and counting....

July 6, 2011

What is the difference between Spain and Portugal? One runs in front of the bull the other behind it!

Running of the bulls kicks off in Spain, while Moody downgrades Portugal's sovereign credit to "junk" status...

July 5, 2011

Why did Google Plus? To "Mine us" !!!

Google rolls out Google+ beta.....a Facebook nemesis?????
Let the personal data mining begin.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: A movie about Daniel Radcliffe's drinking problems!

Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe reveals alcohol problem.

July 4, 2011

What technique do you need to win the Wimbeldon? A very strong Serb!

Serbian, Novak Djokovic wins the 2011 Wimbeldon.

July 3, 2011


Novak Djokovic defeats Rafael Nadal winning Wimbeldon 2011

July 2, 2011

Why is the love triangle a geometric impossibility? Because it has 3 obtuse angles!

Maria Shriver files for divorce from Arnold Schwarzenegger.

With the amount of cars being recalled General Motors will now call them drop offs instead of pick ups!

General Motors to recall thousands of pick ups with faulty transmission components.