March 30, 2011

Old South American saying: "No Cloud, No Amazon!"

Amazon to offer cloud based streaming music options....

1 Pakistani over = 11 bawls !

Pakistan loses to India in the semi-finals of the ICC World Cup!

March 28, 2011

What do you call a VW that stops when you honk? A Bug!

VW recalls thousands of cars that go dead when you press the horn!

Consumers love to view a news paper but hate to payper news view!

New York Times begins charging online users...

March 26, 2011

Oxymoron: India Pakistan Match!

ICC Semi Finals...There's clearly no match!

Blew Planet?

We blew it? Once upon a time we had a blue planet.

Elect Tree City !

Turn the lights off...Go Green - Earth Hour!

Remember to turn the lights back on at 9:30 PM!

Earth Hour!

March 25, 2011

Wit: A fine line between LOL and WTF !

OMG, LOL and FYI get added to the Oxford English Dictionary.

Where are air traffic controllers allowed to fall asleep on their job? A no-fly zone!

Air traffic controller at Washington Regan airport falls asleep on the job!

March 20, 2011


AT&T buys T-Mobile!

Egypt has biggest election! Well at least the biggest one since the election of the pylamids thousands of yeals back!

Egyptians vote to change constitution.

If the cover is so "Smart" and more important "In-Stock", do I even need to buy an iPad 2?

iPad 2 giving consumers a run for their money! Sold Out in the US and no shipments in sight!

What do you call a place where good jokes are put up for display? Amuseum!

US Airways jet that landed in the Hudson river now heading to a North Carolina museum!

March 18, 2011

March 16, 2011

Outside the general area of circles, people who know the value of pi are square !

3/14 celebrated this week as pi day!
Mathematicians around the world will work 22/7 this week...

March 14, 2011

Marketing: A fine line between Soul Doubt and Sold Out!

Apple's marketing engine's cranking....iPads are Sold Out!

March 13, 2011

What did the iPad say to the computer? What happens in VGAs stays in VGAs !

iPad2 making the computer & laptop obsolete?

Early to bed and early to rise, and your social life is collecting flies !

US Daylight Savings Time.....we've lost an hour !

Fast Food: You'd rather fast than eat that food!

Subway surpasses McDonald's as the worlds biggest fast food chain....
Rumor has it, they are a foot longer!!!

March 10, 2011

What was an intelligent and busy man like Isaac Newton doing standing for hours under a tree? He was waiting for the next apple to be released!

Tomorrow at 5PM EST comes the iPad 2...Let the wait begin...

Why did the DOW fall? It slipped over oil !

US stocks fall due to concerns around Saudi Arabia and OIL!

What do you grow on oil fields? Cash Crops!

US stocks fall due to concerns around Saudi Arabia and OIL!

Latest European tourist destination: The Euro Falls!

Euro falls on concerns over Spain

March 9, 2011

What is the Gadhafi family's favorite grocery store? Cash And Carey!

Mariah Carey and others sang for the Man and raked in tons of Cash!

GadhaFee: The surcharge you pay on oil as long as Gadhafi remains in power!

Oil prices continue to soar, fueled by middle east unrest...

March 7, 2011

March 6, 2011

I wish my car were recalled! I can't afford the gas anymore!

Gas prices soar...

Facebook attracts a big chunk of online advertising, making Google one of the most Ad mired companies in the world!

Apple tops the list, Google comes second on Fortune's list of Most Admired Companies in the world...

You say Admired. I say Ad mired !!!

March 5, 2011

What would happen if you were not supposed to use any mobile device for a day?

US, National Day of Unplugging...

IE6 retires Microsoft...

Microsoft begins countdown to retire Internet Explorer 6

What did Queen Elizabeth II say to the people of Ireland? I rish, you poor!!!

I very very rish, you very very poor.....
The Queen plans a visit to Ireland...

March 3, 2011

Why is it so easy to implement a no fly zone over Libya? Gadhafi rarely wears pants!

No-Fly zone over Libya being debated.
Oscar for best costumes goes to M. Gadhafi...

Feature or Bug? Mazda recalls sedans equipped with the Web!....Real webs with real spiders....

Mazda recalls thousands of Mazda6 Sedans. Spiders seem to prefer the car and have infested its vents.