November 30, 2009

Newest word in the Swiss (French) dictionary: Minarrête!!!

The Swiss people vote to ban the construction of Minarets

Cyber Monday. Are you a shopportunist?

Will you loosen your purse strings? Cyber Monday is here. Bring on the gadgets.

November 29, 2009

November 28, 2009

The FAA just released recordings of the "lost" flight. Dear Northwest pilots could you please F lying and concentrate on Flying?

We were distracted, we were on our laptops, we were discussing company policy.....we were sleeping......In any case we were not flying the plane!

November 27, 2009

An estimated 45.8 M viewers watched the Macy's Parade on NBC yesterday. He Heene kids however immediately hid in the attic and Mrs. Heene called 911 30 minutes after calling NBC.

Bal looooons !

Dubai or not Dubai: that is the question.

The debts of Dubai World the finance arm of Dubai are going to hit wall street today. The question is should we take this opportunity to buy stocks that plummet?

Had an awesome Thanksgiving dinner at home with family and friends, just couldn't recognize this one couple.....why haven't I seen them before?

Gate crashers at a State dinner at the whitehouse!!!
Didn't they just fall short of chairs???

November 26, 2009

Butterball. Football.

Thanksgiving Traditions

We stuff turkey. Turkey stuffs us.

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 24, 2009

President Obama wants American kids and parents to focus on the 3 Rs: Reading; Riting and 'Rithmetic......guess spelling is not at the top of anyone's mind!

Obama is looking at improving the interest and calibre of american children - of all ages - in math and science.

November 22, 2009

Harry up! Reid the bill. From coverage to coverage. All 2074 pages of it.

Majority leader Harry Reid's health care bill clears the senate! So what's in it? What are we signing up for?

November 21, 2009

The large hadron collider is now repaired, are you conCERNd about a Big Bang?

The particle collider is repaired as scientists restart their efforts to unravel the mysteries of the Big Bang at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. I spent months at CERN, an awesome experience!

Today we find blood on the moon!!! This discovery is going to come back to bite us!

Many moons later comes a sequel. Teens around the world discover blood on the moon. Wait isn't New Moon supposed to be no moon at all?

November 20, 2009

Google's vice president of product management painted a pretty picture of the new Chrome OS. His name "Sundar Pic Hai"....hmmm.

Literally translated it means it's a beautiful picture.
Google Chrome OS seems to do away with most computer standards like a hard drive!!!

Did you hear? Oprah Winfrey has decided to walk the!

She has decided to call it quits in 2011. The show at least.

November 19, 2009

Which of the seven dwarfs won the most Olympic gold medals? It's got to be Dopey!

More doping incidents surface in the China Olympics. Gold medals pulled back.

November 18, 2009

Pardon my French.....Un friend in need is Un friend in deed....Maybe, I'm just intexticated.

Unfriend.....word of the year 2009 by the Oxford American Dictionary.

November 16, 2009

Have you heard about Carrie and her pre-jean days?

Carrie Prejean hits the headlines again this X Miss Universe contestant now seems to be a XXX Miss Universe!

November 15, 2009

November 10, 2009

United Airlines: Flying High!

Drunk pilots, a whole new meaning to flying high!

La-la La-la, La-la La-la, La La Land!

Elmo loves his gold, fish, his rayon too, that's Elmo's world.
40yrs Sesame street and the world seems to be in La La Land!

November 8, 2009

Do you believe, "Govern", meant takeover of our health care system?

The bill passed the House yesterday.
Does "to govern" mean a complete take over?

November 5, 2009

Homebuyers break!!!............the bank.

$8000 Tax break for first time buyers
$6500 break for others
Are homebuyers getting a break or breaking up?

November 4, 2009

What is the favorite iPhone color in China? in the one you could buy in the gray market!

Since its debut last week in China, apple does not seem to have made any remarkable sales there! So what's holding back the Chinese?

November 2, 2009

"This is CIT." The grand finale!

While Michael Jackson's album/movie "This is it" brings forth Michael's final act. CIT the small business lender files for the 5th largest bankruptcy in the US.

November 1, 2009

Save electricity; Replace one mechanical clock by at least 10 electrical clocks; move clocks backward and forwards every year. Hhmmm!

Does daylight saving time really work? In this age of improved productivity and ridiculous energy wastage.